A Hub is a segregated portion of a site. users can create and manage projects within a Hub using a unified workflow and permission defined by the Super Admin/Site Admin/Hub Admin.

Default Configurations for the Hub:

  • Roles – Roles created in the Site get carried over to all the active Hub along with the system-defined roles such as Project Administrator and Document Administrator.
  • Workflow – A workflow can be termed as a set of status and transitions that define the flow of an Issue/Document/RFI/Clash. A default workflow is attached out of the box. The admin can also create and reassign workflows based on preference.
  • Types – Types are used to categorize a Project/ Issues/Document/RFI based on a criterion defined as per standards. As a predefined template, each type will have a default sub-type associated with it.
  • Status – Status indicates the recent development of an Issue/Document/RFI/Clash. As a predefined template, three statuses in each category such as Backlog, In Progress and Done is made available.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Elevate Your Documentation Process with HelpNDoc's Advanced Features